About Me

So This is me.

So what of it you say..

Well you would ve very justified but hey, no body made you come and read this so… seems like a you problem

yes so.. for all those who came via that link.. yes I am the same Glyn from the MagicalMutation BBS… Used to run a few Bulliten Boards back in the days when the internet was just a pipe dream and we all used to have fun sending email and waiting for ages for it to arrive via Fidonet or some other such platform.

Its also my gamer tag of choice so if you see me.. say hi

The days of dialup seem so long away now but I look back at them with a fondness when you could have a real chat online and not be worried about the masses of individuals who’s sole purpose in life is to advertise porn, push Viagra or swap insults with people. Fun times..

It only seems like yesterday that we had dialup to BBS’s to do online games and chat etc. Now the new fangled Internet thingamawhatsit has taken over and sadly almost killed off some of the more quaint parts to computing such as MUD’s or the whole fun of battling with people in the house who could use the phone as you wanted to get online to check your mail or just play shades on Prestel / Micronet.

So.. what else.. WellI have over 2 decades of experience in customer facing I, contingency support, busniess managment and currently work as 3rd Line support for a UK based company

If you are looking for more then please use the contacts page